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6e66o Simulator Tour – SimXperience Stage IV Motion Simulator

6e66o Simulator Tour – SimXperience Stage IV Motion Simulator

Years ago, when the sim racing scene was somewhat of a niche, and we all spend lots of time at the then famous but now perished RaceSimCentral (RSC) forum, it was pretty easy to make friends in the sim racing community. Something that has proved to be somewhat more complicated these days.

Back then the modding scene was at its peak. I myself was part of the Racers Modding Team (RMT) and had a blast working on the WSGT and later on WSGT2 modding projects. With wonderful moddable racing platforms such as rFactor by ISI and the GTR Series by Simbin, a big part of the community was to some extent involved in modding and it was very easy and pleasant to interact with an army of talented community members. 3D-modelers, skinners, livery designer, physics creators, video editors, screenshot artists… you name it. Wonderful times indeed.

One of my many online sim racing friends was 6e66o, who you may better know as former Simbin and current Sector3 Studios staff member Georg Ortner. Back in the day, Georg was running a nice sim racing screenshot website called SimScreens (More than just pixels) where he posted some nice in-game screenshots and/or videos on a weekly basis. Furthermore, it was the place to gather some more info regarding the wonderful VLN based modding projects in which Georg was involved. 

Georg moved from Germany to Lidköping Sweden as he was one of the lucky community members who got involved in the Sim racing industry. He joined SimBin Studios, and later on Sector3 Studios. Besides having a job to fulfill at Sector3 Studios, Georg still likes to be creative and loves his sim racing. Besides his famous Real FOV RaceRoom videos, Georg also has a blast with competing products which he records and shares on his personal YouTube channel.

Georg uses a SimXperience Stage-4 Motion simulator with traction-loss functionality. A pretty impressive piece of kit that is not really visible during his video recordings. Due to popular demand by his subscribers, he now shared a video taking us on a guided tour around his sim racing rig.

6e66o Sim Racing Setup: