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Project CARS – New 3D panoramic High Resolution at



New 3D panoramic High Resolution at published a rather cool 3D Panoramic HD shot of Slightly Mad Studio´s Project CARS.

This time a 360 Pano shot of the Gumpert..  You can click the bottom clocks for night to day transitions.

Just click the picture above. Then you can pan the graphic in free directions. .
Make sure to try out the HD option.

The plugin used is the krpano viewer.

krpano – is a small and very flexible high-performance viewer for all kind of panoramic images and interactive virtual tours. The viewer is available as an Adobe Flash Player application for the usage on Desktop (Windows, Mac, Linux) and on Android Mobiles and Tablets and additionally also as HTML5 / Javascript application for the usage on the iPhone and iPad.

Check out for more info –