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Assetto Corsa – Official AC modding support via Skype!


Over at Kunos Simulazioni Physics creator Aristotelis posted a rather interesting invitation for all modders.

Mod teams are invited to contact the lead 3D vehicle artist at kunos using Skype when they have questions regarding the implementations of mods.

Hey Modders, thank you for trying to enhance the AC experience!
We are now able to support you more directly and guide you better on your initial work for AC.

Here’s the deal.
Our  has some free time (?) during the day and is dedicating this to you.
He hates writing on forums, emails, pms etc, so I will give you his skype handle and you are free to contact him for voice chat, whenever you want.

I really really ask you kindly to get organised, gather multiple relevant questions and ask them once at a time, here’s a proposal on how to do this:
– Discuss your doubts, problems and projects here in the forums.
– Gather your questions.
– Decide which one of you will talk directly with Luca
– Call him on Skype for a voice chat and have fun
– Repeat and don’t be afraid if he can’t always reply. The actual game comes always first of course.

Also, Luca will reply as many of your questions as possible, except the ones that can’t reply because of NDA, Licensing, or other professionally related reasons. I hope you understand.

Here you go, take it easy!
Luca skype handle: lucamir
skype nickname: mannaggia!


Read the original post at


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