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RaceRoom Racing Experience – Try before you Buy.




Not sure if you want to purchase a certain car for RaceRoom Racing Experience?

Now here is your chance.  Simbin has rolled out a try before you buy deal for your needs.
First up is the Audi R8 LMS Ultra and the Cougar C14/1. Try them for free for 24h.


Gratis, Free, Lliure, kostenlos, libero, a word we all like in these hard financial times! Since we want to make sure you will spend your dinero’s wisely, we think it is only fair that you can try before you buy!

Starting today at 6 pm CET , we give you the chance to test drive the Audi R8 LMS Ultra and the Cougar C14/1 for free on the RR Raceway Sprint track. To join, go to the competitions page and choose one of the challenges.

The “Try before you buy”  challenge runs until tomorrow, Thursday Feb 14 6 pm CET!



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