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Hardware – Virtual Racing Experience Stock Car simulator.

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Hardware – Virtual Racing Experience Stock Car simulator

VRE Racing has built one of the most realistic stock car racing simulators in the world. This simulator has all of the latest technology available today for simulated racing.

Clients will get to experience first hand the thrill of side by side stock car racing! The VRE Racing team is made up of Rusty, son Dillon, and his wife of 20 years Connie. Rusty was in the automotive industry for 21 years, and also has a passion for Racing Simulation. The idea was to build a Stock car simulator like no other and travel around the united states to share the racing experience with those who want to experience the thrill of stock car racing.

It was very important to Rusty to make the experience as real as possible. Many man hours were put into making this simulator as close to the real thing as possible. VRE Racing is committed to serving its customers with the highest level of excellence no matter how big or small the event is.VRE Racing uses the Arca Sim Racing software by the sim factory. The Sim Factory LLC, formed in 2006, is a simulation development company based out of South Bend, Indiana. Specializing in the development of professional racing simulation software for driver training, consumer, and commercial purposes.

The company is privately owned and operated by the founding members, who are all dedicated simulation enthusiasts. The Sim Factory’s mission was to create simulation software and products that can not only provide accurate simulation protocols to aid in training and engineering for the real world racing industry but at the same provide a highly realistic and competitive platform for the widely growing online simulation racing community.

During the development process, our team works hand-in-hand with professionals throughout the real world racing industry, as well as simulation enthusiasts, to provide the most realistic racing experience that current hardware technology will allow. We work to be a part of modern software and hardware innovations and the integration of new technologies. Finding new ways to create a higher level of realism, physics implementation and protocol awareness for our end users.

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