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BeamNG – Drive Update patch V0.3.0.5 released.


BeamNG has released an update patch for ” Drive”  The small update fixes a few bugs, including the shaky camera with the Moonhawk.
Run the updater to get it (update.exe in the game folder). 

Bug Fixes:

  • Improved reference node: defaults to node 0 (like before), but now uses the camera ref node if existing: improves camera stability and fixes Moonhawk camera shaking
  • fixed missing coltri on pickup on windscreen
  • Improvements:
  • Moonhawk minor changes/fixes
  • improved props delay: fixed one gfx frame delay
  • improved sand/mud to behave better: fixed density, etc

Get alpha access at and get all future updates for free!

BeamNG is a young start up company developing a state of the art real time physics simulation engine. They are currently a team of two programmers and two artists that founded the company in 2011.
They released a free Tech demo called Drive. You can choose to download a free tech demo, or for those interested in the project, there is an option to purchase access to the alpha of “Drive” for only €11.50. 


Official Webpage –