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Niels Heusinkveld at work…


You might know Niels Heusinkveld as a Sim Hardware engineer, or as the Sim physics guru at Reiza Studios, and many other projects.
One thing is for sure, Niels is always up to something.

In his latest video updates, you can see him performing a rather raw and basic clutch pedal pressure test on his HE Sim Pedals Ultimate. Most of the time Niels does somewhat more detailed and accurate testing, but i guess its not a bad thing to do the down and dirty hands on test now and then. 🙂

Further more we can watch a short clip of a test with a mid 70s spec F1 car. There is no additional info regarding the what or why of the test, but driving what looks like a McLaren M23, seems to be big fun.
If anyone has some details, regarding the mod, let us know.


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