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WSGT2 – Renault Megane Trophy V6 for rFactor 2 coming soon.

WSGT2 Megane Trophy V6
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Its been a while since we have posted some news about the WSGT2 Mod for rFactor 2. As many of you might already know, we decided to use the WSGT2 RMT Megane Trophy V6 as a testing ground regarding workflow on the ISI rFactor 2 platform.

Because of other and private projects, we did not have the chance to work on this mod as often as we liked, but better late then never. Unfortunately, we did not make it in time for a Christmas release, but you should see the mod released somewhere early January.

As stated before, this Megane Trophy model is not to be confused with the ISI base content version.  Many asked why another Megane mod when there is already one in the game?  Let us explain. This is a scratch build model, created back in 2009 for rFactor1. ( You might have seen videos of it a few years ago). Almost the entire full WSGT2 mod was in game in rF1. When ISI announced rFactor 2, we decided to abandon the rF1 platform in favour of rF2. Looking back, this probably was a wrong choice. We never expected the road from announcement to release of rF2 to be as long as it did, and taking into account that the early versions of rF2 where less then promising, the project has somewhat faded to the background. Also our private lives changed allot. Commercial work, private projects, and family life had a major impact on the four of us.

That said, things have somewhat turned back to normal, and we are enjoying modding once more. As stated, the Megane Trophy V6 will be released very soon, and we started work on 2 more rF2 versions of some original WSGT2 cars. You can expect Prototype and Le Mans GT car previews soon.  Depending on the community response, we have planned a few more, but will decide when to do them later on.

As usual, all is well at RMT.

A Merry Christmas and Happy Newyear to all from Arnold, Klaas, Rick and Wim.


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Megane Trophy V6