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rFactor – ISMT DTM 2013 mod in progress.

DTM 2013
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For quite a while the “European Sim Modding” team had been working on a DTM 2012/2013 mod for rFactor & RACE07 . When the Simbin DTM Experience game was released, ESM decided to quit work on the mod. After a while , ESM member Mazur1k decided to create a new modding team and continue work on the DTM project. The Russian International Sim Modding Team (ISMT) was born.

Only the original ESM Mercedes model was saved, and the new team decided to start work on the Audi and BMW model from scratch.  At this time ISMT is finishing work on the Mercedes. The models itself was ready, but recently the team decided to ad an engine. Textures are ready, and all liveries ( 6 teams) are implemented. The model is already in game, and work on the physics files is making good progress.

Work o the Audi model is at 98%, while the BMW still has to be build.  We will keep you updated on the progress of this mod. The mod will be free to download when finished.


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