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MX Bikes Pre-Alpha 2 preview video. Dirt Bike games



When we say Dirt bike games, we can not help think of the classic ” Moto Racer” years ago. However, there is a new kid on the block. A while ago Piboso introduced his new project called MX Bikes. There are a few well known dirt bike games out there, but for some reason this small developer seems to beat them all when it comes to pure bike physics. This does not come as a surprise when you realize that the experience is drawn from projects as GP Bikes, Kart Racing Pro and World Racing Simulators.  All of them developed by Piboso.

Today a new preview video has been released showing us the MX Bikes pre-alpha Motorcross simulator in action. In this video you can see the Motocross 4 stroke bike in action on the ruts and bumps. The visual physics are pretty impressive at this early stage of development.  As with his other titles, Piboso seems to put allot of attention in the rider physics. In a sport like motocross, the rider movement is part of how the bike will behave and how its physics might change. So it only seems logical that the bike and human physics are both part of the grand scheme. It will be interesting to see this title progress.

For those interested, make sure to visit the Piboso MX-Bikes forum. We will keep you posted on future updates.


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