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Sim Racing Review – Tip #4 – Driving Around Other Cars


For a while now, Doug Meyer of Sim Racing Review has been discussing how to begin racing in iRacing.  in the previous episode, Doug had a look at how Time Trials can help you along in your first few races.  In this episode of Sim Racing Review focus is on how to handle the traffic around you. It is apparent that different drivers will use different racing lines, use different braking points and could react unpredictable when they get past, or are passing you.

The traffic is the main cause of numerous rather aggressive discussions on the in-game iRacing intercom. Judging you opponents, and knowing how to react to the situations triggered by the traffic ahead or behind you is not an easy task. How you handle traffic, is one of the important factors when it comes to finishing a race. As with all thing Sim racing, you can study and practise these skills, and accumulate more points and satisfaction by getting better then you where.

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