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Inside Sim Racing – iRace4life Seminar 2014 – The interviews

Inside Sim Racing

iRace4life Sim Racing Seminar 2014

Darin Gangi of Inside Sim Racing  was a guest at the iRace4Life seminar in Southlake Texas. This is the capture of the interviews that where live streamed this afternoon.
In this Day 1 episode Daring sits down with the host of the seminar Sion Alford and talk about how iRace4Life started out and explains his devotion to simracing and the iRace4Life website. (

Secondly, Darin talks to two-time iRacing Nascar World Champion Ray Alfalla about his Sim Racing career and the iRace4Life event. During the event, Ray will try to explain the tought process behind making a setup for an iracing race. In the third part of the video David Cater who can be called an iRacing oval setup wizard, sits behind the mic and talks about his third year at the seminar and how he got into Sim Racing and setups creation.

iRace4Life is a very original charity initiative by iRacing members that are committed to giving to those in need. Each time a team member wins a race, he will donate money to a charity chosen by the organisation.

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