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Is GRID 3 coming? Codemasters are teasing

Codemasters GRID 3 teaser?

Today Codemasters revealed a mystery video with the interesting title “Brace Yourselves…Racing is Coming” The video shows you the famous “GRID” logo and you can hear GT or Touring cars fly by. Its logical to assume that this will be the announcement of Grid 3.

Codemasters used to be famed for their racing games. Many Sim Racers out there still praise the TOCA series as one of the better racing games build. In 2008 Race Driver Grid was the fourth title in the series and followed up the TOCA games using Codemasters own EGO game engine. This racing game was more geared towards the gamer instead of the virtual racer. in this game the player was managing his own race team, while also acting as the primary driver. players could then work themselves up to gain sponsors and funding to hire a teammate to drive alongside them in certain events. Reces where stitched together by cutscene videos, giving it a more arcade look and feel.

However, where the more current GRID series looked fine on the graphical side, and there was plenty of gameplay to enjoy. Grid and its predecessor Grid 2 never caught on with the core sim racing community. In the Grid 2 game that was released in May 2013, you raced real world locations and cities with vehicles that span four decades. Codemasters included what they call  ‘TrueFeel’ handling. A compromise between realism and accessibility was implemented to reach a diverse public.

While initially before release of the game the Sim Racing Community was showing some interest in the upcoming title, it soon became clear that the cars in Grid 2 would not include a first person cockpit view. This raised somewhat of a storm in our little community, and soon the topics regarding Grid 2 died out in the Sim Racing media. The game got classified as an arcade racer.( As it was intended in the first place.)

Codemasters TOCA / GRID history

  • TOCA Touring Car Championship
  • TOCA 2 Touring Cars
  • TOCA World Touring Cars
  • TOCA Race Driver
  • TOCA Race Driver 2
  • TOCA Race Driver 3
  • Race Driver: Grid
  • GRID 2

The rumors about a GRID 3 project in the making popped up in November 2013 when Codemaster was on the lookout for testers. Judging by various Grid 2 references in their blog posts, it seemed that those testers where needed for a racing game project. However, nothing ever got confirmed. Then today a teaser video popped up on the GRID youtube channel, confirming that a new game in the series will be coming to your PC or console.

At this time no details are known about Grid 3, but if you watched carefully, you will have noticed the April 22 date is shown at the end of the video. This may indicate an official announcement regarding the title. Now lets hope it is a GRID game with cockpit view.

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