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Game Stock Car Extreme Spielberg Preview screens

Game Stock Car Extreme Spielberg

Game Stock Car Extreme Spielberg

Game Stock Car Extreme Spielberg previews

Reiza Studios have released a new set of previews of the upcoming Spielberg circuit for Game Stock Car Extreme. The track will be part of the V1.20 update, and will be free of charge for all current Game Stock Car owners.  There will be two versions of the Game Stock Car Extreme Spielberg circuit available at release. A classic and modern version.

GSC Extreme v 1.20 will also bring us the 2014 Buenos Aires circuit and the F-Extreme and F-Vee open wheelers. Reiza also reports that the existing content has received a few updates. The graphics and physics of the V12 Formula have been updated, and can now be raced with a 12 team grid and 24 drivers.

There is no official release date set at this time, but Reiza Studios stated that they are pushing to get the update ready.

Official Webpage –
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