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Live For Speed S2 Patch 0.6F released + news

Live For Speed S2

Live For Speed S2 Westhill  Live For Speed S2 Westhill

Live For Speed S2 Patch 0.6F released

After releasing test patch 0.6E16n the LFS team now released the official Update Patch 0.6F for Live For Speed S2. This update supports stereoscopic 3D devices including TVs, projectors, headsets and the Oculus Rift and is fully compatible with 0.6E.  This patch comes with many improvements and fixes. (check the changelog below)

Westhill Update:

The LFS development team announced that while working on the S3 version they also updated the Westhill track. The International configuration has been improved in many places, particularly in the twisty sequence of bends in the far corner which is now more challenging.

There is a new National configuration, bearing off from the International track after the first right and left bends, involving some interesting gradient changes and technical bends. The scenery has been developed to a higher level of detail and you can drive around the access roads in the open configurations. The team is planning to release the updated track in a few weeks time.

Eric is still finishing some buildings and filling some holes in the Westhill track scenery and Scawen is making some improvements and optimisations to deal with the higher level of detail. After the Westhill update, Eric will continue with the S3 tracks he has been working on. Scawen will continue with the new tyre model.

List of changes from 0.6E to 0.6F :

3D device support :

  • Select 3D near the top of View Options to select device
  • Supports Oculus Rift, 3D monitors, projectors, TVs, headsets

Graphics :

  • LFS now uses DirectX 9 (previously used DirectX 8.1)
  • Random weather selected by default when loading a track
  • Mirror antialiasing is now available (in Graphics Options)
  • Improved transitions when switching between interface screens
  • Misc option to select CTRL+S screenshot format (bmp / jpg / png)

Various :

  • Updated translations – thank you translators
  • Message “Track loaded” now shows which track was loaded
  • Lateral and longitudinal accelerometer now works realistically
  • CTRL+ and ALT+ (assign text to F keys) visible in mouse / kb mode

Commands :

  • /refresh refreshes list of setups / hosts / replays
  • /setup now works correctly (loads setup) in garage screen
  • /colour and /setup without a parameter now select default
  • /join hostname from entry screen now tries to join named host
  • /exec and /wait can now take filenames with spaces in quotes
  • /track command (change track) accepts a weather parameter
  • e.g. /track BL2R 3 selects BL2R with 3rd weather

Fixes :

  • OOS error after an idle car was hit by objects
  • OOS error when an car was pushed out of bounds
  • Some glitches in the movement of vertical sliders
  • Helmet stayed the same after changing driver in MP replays
  • Some controllers could make mouse axes unavailable for use
  • MAX ALPHA (unsorted) message after adding 900 chalk objects
  • Joining host OOS if host started with invalid /weather value
  • High frequency changes in acceleration were filtered in OutSim
  • LFS would crash if more than 8 game controllers were connected
  • Text entry was not always cleared when entering the meeting room
  • F key text was delayed if pressed in warning or selection dialog
  • Stuck in game after Alt+F4 / X button after edit in SHIFT+U mode
  • Setup could sometimes be corrupted when joining – now spectated
  • NumConns was set to zero after disconnecting from an online host
  • Arrow keys in input dialog were re-enabled by code page selector
  • Joining car could not enter physics when many objects were moving


Official Webpage –

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