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GRID Autosport patch ready

GRID Autosport patch

GRID Autosport patch ready

Codemasters prepared a first update patch for the Grid Autosport PC version. This Grid Autosport patch consists of an extensive list of fixes including the rather important save file corruption. At this time it is not known if the console versions will receive the same treatment.   

PC Patch Notes – 9th July

Nvidia 3D VISION Fix – Improvements in UI interactions when using NVidia 3D Vision.
UI Fix – (French & Portuguese) Online session text updated for easier readability in French & Portuguese languages.
Career Fix – Fixed configuration issues which intermittently caused certain races to use the qualifying results for the starting grid positions rather than the previous race results in reverse.
AMD CrossFire Fix – Resolved graphical issues which could appear during menu transitions when CrossFire is enabled.
Online Fix – Fixed disconnection issues which could potentially cause checkpoint sessions to end prematurely if hosts lose their online connection.
Online Fix – Resolved issues which sporadically caused session length times to cease displaying within the voting screen.
UI Fix – Fixed rare instances of the total points OSD appearing within a drift zone then persisting on race results and rewards screens after drift event.
Nvidia SLI Fix – Fixed flickering menu transition artefacts which occur on certain SLI configurations.
UI Fix – Improved readability in relation to the online player XP scores when playing with 4:3 aspect ratio.
Art Fix – (Paris Track) – Fixed track issues within Paris routes which occurred when playing in ultra low graphical presets.
Online Fix – Resolved issues which could sometimes cause the player to receive damage twice if the online session experienced packet loss.
UI Fix – Improved the event rules messaging text to better differentiate between various online game modes.
Art Fix – Resolved rare track issues which could have caused the player wheels to sink into the ground whilst on certain tracks.
UI Fix – Added a fix to prevent the vehicle avoidance OSD message appearing on screen when the feature is switched off.
UI Fix – Resolved issues which could potentially cause the scoring prompts to stay on during drift games.
Save Game Fix – Fixed a save game corruption issue which could occur over time in specific circumstances.

GRID Autosport is available for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. 

Official Webpage –