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Project CARS BAC Mono @ California Highway 2 Years Later

Project Cars California Highway

Project CARS BAC Mono @ California Highway

Project CARS has come a long way since the start of its development. Its save to say that two years ago the vehicles and tracks in Projects CARS where already looking great. Back then, the game surpassed many existing titles when it came to Graphical splendor.  This did not mean that the Slightly Mad Studios development team where ready to stop the innovation of their game engine.

To give you an idea of how much the Project CARS visuals have changed over the last two years of development, ADRIANF1esp created a nice video showing us the BAC Mono in action at the California Highway. You can have a look at build 249 July 2012 and today’s build 782 next to eachother. The difference is bigger than expected.

Project CARS by Slightly Mad Studios will be coming to Xbox One, PlayStation®4, Nintendo Wii U and PC starting November 2014!

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