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Live for Speed Test Patch 0.6F8 released

Live For Speed Oculus Rift

Live for Speed Test Patch 0.6F8

Live for Speed Test Patch 0.6F8 released

The Live for Speed team released test patch 0.6F8 for the LFS Simulator.  While the patch features a host of fixes and improvements, the main focus of this update is aimed at the Oculus Rift DK2 support.

A number of Sim Racing titles have introduced basic Oculus Rift support. Many people out there are convinced that the virtual 3d goggles are the future of gaming and simulation. When we look at the current state of implementation, it becomes clear that at the moment the LFS Simulator is one of the most suitable Sim Racing titles for the current development version of the rift.

Also interesting is the fact that the LFS team have launched a brand new website.  After a few slow years, this could indicate that the development of the Live for Speed simulator is picking up speed once more.  Those who never tried this fabulous Sim can start racing for free, downloading the Demo. It contains the Blackwood road and rally-cross tracks with a choice of 3 cars. Later on, you can Upgrade your license to access another 17 cars and 6 race track environments.

Changelog LFS Test Patch 0.6F8

This test patch is fully compatible with version 0.6F

It contains :

  • Support for Oculus Rift DK2
  • Two new 3D modes
  • Draws cars in a single pass, improving frame rate
  • Loading textures with the wrong format or too few mipmaps, they are now re-saved for a faster load time. Thanks DANIEL-CRO!
  • Many more updates – please read the lists of changes below…

You cannot upload hot-laps made with this test patch because it is only a test patch, not an official patch
Please keep a backup of your LFS.exe from 0.6F so you can easily go back if there are any problems

Changes from 0.6F7 to 0.6F8 :

Implemented Oculus Rift health & safety warning at startup
Option to store driving position (avoids setting it every time)


1) How to get LFS running on your Rift DK2 :
– Oculus Configuration Utility – Set your Rift to extended mode
– Windows Display – use extended desktop mode (not duplicated)
– Confusingly, set the DK2 to “portrait” (meaning rotated) mode in Windows
– Start LFS and click 3D on the View Options Screen
– Select Oculus Rift and click OK
– You should be given the option to exit, ready to restart in Rift mode
– Start LFS again after exiting in that way

2) To reset your seating position, there is a text command /rift reset which is assigned by default to the F8 key.
– Key assignments can be edited in Options – Game – F1 to F8

3) If, for any reason, LFS ends up on the Rift in 2D mode or with a black screen, you can get it back like this :
– Press ALT+F4 to exit LFS
– Delete the file “card_cfg.txt” in your LFS folder, so LFS starts up on the primary device (usually your monitor)
– After starting LFS again you can try to enter 3D mode again

4) Accessing your desktop while LFS is on the Rift.
– You will probably find that your mouse cursor is confined to the Rift’s virtual monitor
– Press CTRL+C to free the mouse and now the mouse can go onto the desktop
– When you click on a window on your desktop, LFS will be minimised
– To go back into the Rift, click on Live for Speed in your taskbar

Changes from 0.6F6 to 0.6F7 :

Graphical :

Removed / reduced some texture related graphical issues
Textures are automatically resaved (if needed) for faster load
Low res textures now load just as quickly as high res textures
FIX : Graphics options sometimes showed too many FSAA options

Misc :

Anisotropic filtering (AF) now default 4x
Mip bias sliders saved differently in cfg.txt
– You must set your mip bias and AF values again
Increased maximum value of multiplayer draw distance

Oculus Rift :

Mip bias sliders are available in Rift mode again (separate)
LFS starts up in windowed mode on desktop if unable to open Rift
Steer look and mouse look options are now disabled in Rift mode
Windows error message is displayed if the DLL cannot be loaded
Recompiled Oculus DLL now depends on fewer external libraries
FIX : Arcade view and helicopter view now work as expected
FIX : Button look and Pitch / Rotate view now work in Rift mode
FIX : Names above cars (N key) now stay still when view rolls

Official Webpage –