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Assetto Corsa App – Real head motion v0.8.0

Assetto Corsa Real head motion

Assetto Corsa App – Real head motion v0.8.0

Sébastien Tixier released version 0.8.0 of his Real Head Motion App for Assetto Corsa. The mod was previously released for rFactor 2 and now found its way to the Kunos Simulazioni title.

This App simulates the eye motion generated by influences such as acceleration, gravity, mimicking the instinctive eye movements of a human in such situations.

Sébastien explains what happens.

When you are driving a car, you are looking at the road ahead. All the bumps and movements the car makes are filtered out by the counteracting eye movements, resulting in a smooth view of the road, while the car cockpit is moving around.

When you are seated in a simulator your head is not moving at all, meaning there is no eye movement needed. This creates 2 issues :
1) you can’t focus on the road, the road is shaking and not smooth, it’s difficult to drive.
2) This can generate motion sickness.

So in a simulator environment, the camera should stay focused on the track and certainly not locked to the car cockpit. In general this is what the Real head motion App is trying to simulate.


Real head motion versions:

0.8.0 : Update to new shared memory 0.22
0.7.9 : choose refresh rate in XML settings
0.7.8 : all slider have an edit box, select slider with Left button , then right click on slider, Enter to valid.
0.7.7 : – All edit box are now editable, when edited background turn red until validated with ENTER. – Fix Steering Smoohting maths.
0.7.6 – added max shoulder angle to 180°
– potential fix to flickering
– fixed shoulder simulation activating with high smoothing for look LR
– Apps running at 100fps
0.7.5 – encapsuling FreePIE path and script path with quotes ( ” ) to deal with patch with space or special char in it.
0.7.4 – Direct Input and binding look button are back
– added look shoulder left/right
– added pitch offset
0.7.3 – Edit box goes Red when not validated ( press ENTER )
0.7.0 – Recode from scratch,because I don’t have access to my source code stored in other PC that is gone to support for reparation.
0.6.7 – add Roll to steer Yaw
0.6.6 – add start minimized check box
– version automatic print in title
0.6.5 – Now check in Windows process if FreePIE console is really running
– Add Restart button, to kill and restart FreePIE
– If checkbox ShowDebugInfo is checked, it will run FreePIE console not hided
0.6.4 – Fixed application closing when binding look Right
– Added now DPad is working to bind button
0.6.3 – Add pitch offset
0.6.2 – Add more error info if can’t running FreePIE
– Removed Exit button, and use system menu instead with minimize and close button.
0.6.1 -Now save file is XML so support for versionning without loosing settings
– Steering Yaw max angle set to 45° from 30°
0.6 – Integration of FreePIE console version
0.5.5 – Fixed saving slider position
– Added axis look deadzone slider
– Added Steering Yaw feature
0.5.4 -Adding look back button ( = LookLeft + lookRight = Look above Left Shoulder )
– fixed moving filter slider didn’t take effect until relaunching app, now working realtime
– added sliders to choose look angle ( 30° to 90° ) and Look above shoulder ( 120° to 160° )
– adding file versioning of save file, no need to delete save file with new version ( but still can’t load older version )
0.5.3 Pushing Button left then button right in same time, looks behind to the left ( 160° ), and vice-versa
0.5.2 Check box to print debug info or not, debug info take quite some CPU ( 5% on I5 )
0.5.1 release, fix binding going +INF with buttons
– fix black screens
– fixsound loss
– fixsevere shacking with high AC fps
– fixphantom bindings
0.4.2 : now run at 200fps, fix binding action init default value
0.4.1 : fix shacking , optimize script and code for better refresh method
0.4 : fix loading save crashes when not all buttons binded
0.3 : added saving settings on exit
0.2 : added directInput support and look buttons.
0.1 : only filterting

Official Webpage –