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DTM Experience 2014 Online Battle (by 6e66o)

Sector3 Studios

DTM Experience 2014 Online Battle (by 6e66o)

6e66o shared a video showing us an online battle in DTM Experience 2014 for RaceRoom Racing Experience by Sector3 Studios. It needs to be said, that this title has come a long way since its introduction. While it was wearing the underdog tag for quite a while, Sector3 is surely going places with R3E.

With a very convincing graphic style, and most probably the best sounds in the Sim Racing Scene, it was already clear that R3E had a huge potential. The development team has been working relentlessly, to bring the title up to spec, and the hard work is starting to show. The R3E net-code is being hailed by many members of the community for being solid and stable. Only yesterday, Sector 3 activated a set of international gaming servers for overseas contenders, reducing possible lag, and therefore making the online races even better.

It needs to be said that Sim Racers who did not try RaceRoom Racing Experience after the latest big patch, are highly encouraged to do so. You will be nicely surprised how enjoyable and solid the game has become. Especially in the force-feedback and physics department, the title made a huge leap. Being a free-to-play racing simulation on PC, we see no reason why you would not give it a try. The game comes with a limited amount of free cars and tracks, but Sector3 gives you the opportunity to test all cars available for free in a limited environment. You can download R3E here

Check out DTM Experience 2014 on Steam –

Official Webpage –  –