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Preparing for Bathurst 12H on CXC’s Motion Pro II Simulators

CXC Simulations

Preparing for Bathurst 12H on the CXC’s Motion Pro II Simulator

The last few years, Sim Racing Rigs have become serious business. With products ranging from home setups to full blown professional training simulators, it’s no surprise that professional racing drivers are getting interested in utilizing them as tools with a purpose.

One of the better known high-end Motion Simulator manufacturers is CXC Simulations. In this video Patrick Long and David Calvert-Jones of Ice Break Competition Motorsports and Matt Halliday of Fitzgerald Racing share their thoughts on the CXC Simulations’ Motion Pro II Simulator. The sim will help them building a mindmap of the Australian Mount Panorama circuit in preparation of the Bathurst 12-Hour race.

In 2007  Chris Considine founded CXC Simulations. Based in Los Angeles, California, he started building simulators for both professional drivers and motorsports enthusiasts. It did not take long before the CXC Motion Pro was born.  Today the famous CXC Motion Pro Simulator is the pride of the company. Purpose built for professional and commercial environments. From a standard to fully customized system, the CXC Motion Pro II is one of the most advanced racing simulators on the market today.

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