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Project CARS Vs Gran Turismo 6 – BMW M3 GT at Brands Hatch

Project CARS Vs Gran Turismo 6 – BMW M3 GT at Brands Hatch

While at first glance this video was just another comparison, we did decide to post it anyway.  When Project CARS by Slightly Mad Studios will hit the PC and Console market on March 17, it will go head to head with Gran Turismo 6 and Forza Motorsport 5.

This video by DigiProst featuring the BMW M3 GT at Brands Hatch shows us that Gran Turismo 6 is put to shame in both the graphic and sound department when compared to the current version of Project CARS.  Keep in mind that GT6 is running on a PlayStation 3 while Project CARS will be released on the more powerful PlayStation 4.

For a real battle between the kings of console racers, we will have to wait until Polyphony Digital’s Gran Turismo 7 will be released on the PS4. This will probably not happen before 2016, giving Project CARS roughly a year to seize the crown.

Project cars will become available for the PC, Xbox One and Playstation 4 on March 17 in the US and March 20 in Europe.

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