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EmptyBox checks out the R3E Group 5 Pack

R3E Group 5 Pack Empty Box Review

EmptyBox checks out the R3E Group 5 Pack

Here at Bsim, we do love a good EmptyBox review now and then. Sometimes the EmptyBox reviews may seem a little coarse and rough to the touch, but they are never unpleasant.

In his latest video, EB checks out the recently released Group 5 pack for RaceRoom Racing Experience by Sector3 Studios.  In his usual “say it as I see it” style, EmptyBox goes over the content, features and overall performance of the cars in the Group 5 pack. Because most of us like the awesomeness of the R3E sounds, Empty box ends his video with a “Pure Sound” session, proving once more the Sector3 development team is still on top of the sound podium.

The Group 5 pack contains seven iconic cars from the early ’80 of which five are new to R3E. The car pack comes with 44 spectacular and recognisable liveries to brighten up the grid. As usual the cars look stunning and especially the sounds are extremely well done, as we have come to expect from the highly motivated Sector3 development team.

You can purchase the R3E Group 5 pack for 1699 vRP at the RaceRoom Racing Experience Store.

Included cars:

  • Zakspeed Capri
  • BMW 320 Turbo
  • Fabcar 935
  • Nissan Skyline 2000RS
  • Nissan Silvia Turbo
  • Chevrolet Corvette Greenwood
  • Chevrolet Dekon Monza
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