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rFactor 2 AC 427 Cobra preview screenshots

rFactor 2 AC 427 Cobra
AC 427 Cobra rFactor 2

rFactor 2 AC 427 Cobra preview screenshots

Image Space Incorporated published a brand new set of screenshots showing us the upcoming AC 427 Cobra in action on the classic Longford track.

The screens represent the car that will probably become the release version. This might be a sign that the AC 427 Cobra release date is getting closer. In our humble opinion, the legendary Cobra 427 looks to be the most detailed and solid model for rF2 until now. We are especially impressed by the cockpit and texture quality.

While most community members out there appreciated the physics and feedback part of rFactor 2, its visuals were often criticized.  The last few months, the ISI development team is definitely upping the graphics quality of the simulator. The AC 427 Cobra and the current Longford track look just great. Keep on pushing ISI!

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