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Guia Circuit aka Macau coming to R3E this week

RaceRoom Racing Experience

R3E Guia Circuit  R3E Guia Circuit

Guia Circuit aka Macau coming to R3E this week

Sector3 Studios released a big batch of in-game preview screenshots showcasing the Macau Guia Circuit that will be released for RaceRoom Racing Experience later this week.

Macau is situated 60 kilometers southwest of Hong Kong. The Macau Grand Prix is arguably the most important international sporting event in Macau, featuring Motorsport series such as Formula 3, motorcycle road racing and touring car races. The races are held at the temporary 6.2km Guia Circuit on the streets of the city.

Big City street tracks are often left out of modern simulator software because of their high system resource usage. While the virtual R3E version of Macau is Sector3’s most art-heavy track to date, they still succeeded to optimize the track to run at a very smooth frame-rate. The Sector3 Studios track team have put an incredible amount of detail in the virtual circuit and recreated all the buildings and track-side objects as accurate as the technology would allow.

On the bottom of this post, you can watch a video featuring racing Dutch WTCC driver Tom Coronel who will introduce the famous Chinese street circuit and the challenges that come with it.

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