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Sim Racing Garage – Direct Drive Open Sim Wheel Review

Sim Racing Garage - Direct Drive Open Sim Wheel Review

Sim Racing Garage – Direct Drive Open Sim Wheel Review

Barry Rowland of the Sim Racing Garage checks out the OSW (Open Sim Wheel) Direct Drive high-end steering system.

Lately, Direct-Drive Force Feedback steering wheels have become a fashion for the hardcore Sim Racing enthusiast.  While most direct drive wheel systems in this category are rather expensive due to their design cost and materials used, there is always the alternative way of building your own wheel.  This is where the Open Sim Wheel project comes to the rescue.

In this review, Barry tests the OSW (Open Sim Wheel) featuring the “small” Midge Servo Motor that comes as a plug and play kit. He takes a detailed look at the controller enclosure, supplied Midge Motor, the cabling, the Granity software Interface, MMos Driver Interface and Wheel Phasing.

To wrap up the lengthy review, Barry  performs a test drive with the wheel fitted on his SimXperience motion rig and shares his final thoughts.

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