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Dirt Rally – New Online Events and Update info

Dirt Rally – New Online Events and Update info

Codemasters have been adding some new events to the Online Events playlist of their Dirt Rally title. ( Top video credited to RoYsTooN69)

They added both Hillclimb and Rallycross events in where you don’t need to own the vehicle to take part. This way you will be able to test the cars selected for the event without having to spend your game credits. A typical Rallycross event is a one off 4 lap race against the AI in which your final event time will be uploaded to the leaderboard.  In the Hillclimb event, you will get two runs of a Pikes Peak stage, in which your fastest time will count. Both of these events are scored in the three Tier structure.

Codemasters also added what they call the Delta Daily event. This event will measure you up against the community Delta time which is the average time set on each stage. To beat the Delta time, you will need to own the vehicles used for these events. However, they will result in a bigger reward, when successful.

Last but not least, it has been revealed that in during next month, Codemasters will introduce a new Online Event type.For now no details have been given.

Furthermore, the development team is still hard at work on the upcoming Flying Finland pack. This pack will contain a selection of new Stages and Cars, and will also introduce some new cool Features such as mouse support and Custom Championships.  When the Finland pack is released, a Masters Championship will last for 5 rounds of 12 stages each. This might prove a bit too much for the users with not allot of time to spare. Therefore, DIRT Rally will introduce Custom Championships that will allow you to set up your own shorter Championships, with the ability to still earn in-game credits.

A Custom Championship is made up out of your selection of events and its contained stages. You will also be able to set the AI difficulty level. The locations, weather and times of day settings will be mixed to keep you engaged with the game.

The updates in patch V0.71 address some of the main issues, but Codemasters reported they have plenty more fixes coming in the next big update.

V 0.71 Patch

  • When you are setting up an Online Custom Championship there is now an option to make the lobbies closed so only players who were either invited or on your friends list can join.
  • Race collisions can now be turned off when creating a custom lobby so you can just race to see who is the fastest without drivers blocking your path to victory!
  • In a lobby, you can now specify who you’d like to communicate with via the Voice Channel option. You can choose between; Everyone, Friends or no one.
  • There is now an audio option that allows you to set the chat receive volume so that you can balance out the levels with the rest of the game audio.
  • Voice Chat can now be turned On or Off so if listening to other people is putting you off your racing you can shut them out completely.
  • You now have the option to enable Push to Talk for voice chat, we defaulted this to the Alt key on the keyboard but feel free to bind it to something more suitable if you fancy it.
  • The rear view mirror in Rallycross is now correctly placed when using either internal camera so you don’t get a mirror when you look back in dash cam.
  • The tooltip to repair a puncture now functions correctly.
  • Players who jump start when in the staggered grid position can no longer collide with other users. This should stop those guys who were causing you to jump the start because they rammed you before the green light!
  • We’ve put in a fix for the game not saving when you’d entered 6 leagues.
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