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Crimson Simulation Visit ( by Doug Trainor)

Crimson Simulation Motion Rig

Crimson Simulation Visit ( by Doug Trainor)

I recently had the pleasure of spending some time with Naid Naydenov at Crimson Simulation in Norwalk, CT USA. Norwalk is very close to New York City so anyone in the northeast United States can get there for a visit.

Naid is a tremendous resource to the sim racing community and I found the visit to be fun and educational. Most of us do not have access to one of the very best sim racing rigs imaginable but at Crimson Simulation, you can experience one that will likely only be surpassed if you happen to work for an LMP1 or Formula 1 team. Seriously, most race teams would be very happy to have the top end motion rig Naid builds and if you work with a race team on the east coast you should definitely contact him.

Who else should go to Crimson Simulation? Personally, I think almost any sim racer would enjoy the visit. Going would be particularly relevant if you 1) want to get your first rig for your home 2) are interested in upgrading your current equipment 3) you want to try sim racing out with a group of friends while all in the same room 4) you are interested in a simulation rig for your business or race team 5) you want to connect with other sim racers in person 6) You would like to test high-end equipment just to see what is possible.

Crimson Simulation has 6 sim rigs in one location (soon to be 7) where racers can be in the same place while practicing, racing and discussing their hobby. You can rent the center out or rent out just one rig to practice or race on— for very reasonable hourly rates. The rigs are all expertly built by Naid and all components are meticulously selected and adjusted for a cohesive sim racing experience. Components range from what I would call high-medium level to very high-end equipment. All are triple monitor set ups with racing seats and include hardware from Fast Track Sims, Heusinkveld Engineering, HPP Simulation, D-BOX, Sam Maxwell, Leo Bodnar and others.

If you are interested in buying equipment or a full rig set up, Naid is one of the most knowledgeable sources of expertise you will find and his center allows you to experience the equipment and rigs before you buy. Some of the components he sells can be hard to source quickly from the manufacturer but Naid likely has it in stock or can get one faster than an individual can. He seems to have tried just about everything for sale in his quest to build rigs where the components work together seamlessly.

I enjoyed trying the different rigs and experiencing the different levels of gear even though I already have a rig at home. The foremost highlight of the visit was my discussion with Naid. It was great to visit in person with a true sim/real racing fan–particularly one with so much experience on the hardware side of the hobby. Picking a second highlight is easy… driving the motion rig with all the high-end equipment. The motion rig (the second one for Crimson Simulation is being built right now) was fantastic. D-BOX, Bodnar v2 wheel, Heusinkveld Ultimate Pedals all built and tuned for seamless integration. It is impressive!

Crimson Simulation is currently open by appointment – no walk-ins – so you need to reach out to Naid to make sure your visit timing will work. It will be very much worth the effort!

Doug Trainor

Crimson Simulation
25 Van Zant St, Suite 15-6
Norwalk, CT 06855