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EnduRacers and United Racing Design Partnership Announced

EnduRacers and United Racing Design Partnership Announced
EnduRacers and United Racing Design Partnership Announced

EnduRacers and United Racing Design Partnership Announced

The last few years the world of modding has changed allot. Because of the complexity and features of modern sim racing titles, the skills and dedication needed to finish a modding project are elevated to a whole new level.

For most modding teams out there the main problem is finding a good 3D modeler who is willing to put in the effort and time to create a scratch build game compliant model. The 3D model is the core of a sim racing modding project and is the most labor-intensive and time-consuming part of a mod. The last few years, many 3D modelers have left their respective modding teams for a number of reasons such as lack of time, a possible career in the gaming industry or hobby change. When this happens, it is disastrous for modding teams who are working on long-term multi-car mods.

One of the modding teams stopped dead in its track for such a reason, were the Enduracers modding team.  A while ago, Enduracers reported that the continuation of their very popular Endurance Series mod for rFactor 2 was in danger due to the absence of an experienced 3D modeler.

The last few months, Enduracers have tried to recruit new 3D modelers but were unsuccessful in doing so. We do recognize that Enduracers have clearly chosen the rF2 platform for its superb endurance features allowing you to run a 24-hour race with day to night transitions and dynamic weather changes, but this fact has not been helpful, because these days more and more skilled modelers in the sim racing community prefer to work on an Assetto Corsa based project, because of its superior visuals. After all, for them (modelers) the visuals are the biggest challenge and reward them with instant satisfaction.

To secure the future of the Endurance Series mod project after the upcoming V1.0 update, Enduracers decided to try and find help in the existing modding scene. After discussing the problem with the United Racing Design team (URD) both teams agreed that a model exchange might help solve the problem.  URD who are in essence a pay-mod outfit are willing to share their (Free) Corvette C6.R (GTE spec) and Corvette C7.R models with the Enduracers Team.  The C6.R is scheduled to be released with the upcoming Endurance Series update while the C7.R will become available later on.

We can only applaud this kind of cooperation, and hope Enduracers will eventually find a skilled 3D modeler to secure the future of their awesome rFactor 2 modding project.


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