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rFactor 2 goes Steam only

rFactor 2 goes Steam only

rFactor 2 Build 1084

rFactor 2 goes Steam only

Since November 2015, the rFactor 2 racing simulator has been available on the Steam network. Since then, the Image Space Incorporated development team has put a lot of time and effort into creating access to the Steam platform and, most importantly, distributing rFactor2 content through the Workshop.

From now on, the rFactor 2 development team will be concentrating their efforts on the Steam version of rFactor 2, and announced that the upcoming build will be the last update of the non-Steam version.

The rF2 Workshop will be further integrated to serve as a centralized hub for all mods and user created content. ISI highly recommends all rF2 users to convert their copy of rFactor 2 to Steam. For those who have any questions, regarding the full migration to Steam, Image Space Incorporated prepared the following FAQ.

For more info, keep an eye on the rFactor 2 forums.


Steam migration FAQ

How do I convert to rFactor 2 Steam version?

Can I convert my lifetime online to Steam?

  • Yes, lifetime will be carried over to your rF2 Steam version.

What happens to my non-Steam yearly online subscription when I convert?

  • For those who still have a decent amount of time remaining on their account, we can work with them to transfer that time over to Steam.

Will I still be able to get a Lite version of rF2 on Steam?

  • To make a “strip down” version of rFactor 2, which looks and behaves exactly like a “Lite” version, you’ll simply need to unsubscribe from all content on Steam Workshop.

Can I still install content manually or will I have to use workshop?

  • No need to choose, both are possible. You will still be able to place .rfcmps and .rfmods in your package folder located in your Steam rFactor 2 directory to install any piece of content manually, exactly the same as before.

Is hosting a dedicated server via Steam very different or more involved?

  • Actually, Steam offers multiple ways of hosting, and they are all fully compatible.
    We now have a dedicated server distribution available via SteamCMD, which functions as a very lightweight version of the Dedicated Server, available to anyone — no need to log in to the Steam client. Updating the dedicated server distribution is as simple as re-running the command line script once a new Build becomes available.
    For Steam client users, via the “Tools” menu in Steam, a separate dedicated server can be installed and will show up as another entry in your gaming library. The server will be auto-updated when new Builds are released, completely maintenance-free for you.
    So you can choose between user friendliness and manual flexibility, whichever works best for you.

Will all of my plugins, custom UIs/HUDs, car skins, still be compatible with the Steam version of rFactor 2?

  • Yes, all external plugins, car skins, and customs UIs/HUDs that are currently compatible with your non-Steam version of rFactor 2 should be fully compatible with the Steam version.

How much longer will the non-Steam version of rFactor 2 be updated?

  • The update following Build 1084 will be the last update of the non-Steam version.

Will I still be able to run rFactor 2 non-Steam and put up a non-Steam dedicated server in the future?

  • Yes, there are no plans to remove this feature.

What will happen to the non-Steam matchmaker?

  • It will continue into the future as well.

I run a league and we might need to stay on a previous Build, is that possible in Steam?

  • Yes, you can select a previous version.