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SimXperience AccuForce Available For Immediate Shipment


SimXperience AccuForce

SimXperience AccuForce  SimXperience AccuForce

SimXperience AccuForce Available For Immediate Shipment

When the SimXperience AccuForce Pro direct drive wheel was first released, the high demand resulted in a waiting list for delivery.

SimXperience is pleased to announce that the AccuForce Direct Drive Wheel (any model) is now in stock and available for immediate shipping. Orders should ship within 24 hours, Monday through Friday. If you order on the weekend, it should ship by Monday.

Also included with the AccuForce is the SimXperience industry changing SimVibe Tactile feedback software. If you already own SimVibe, you will get an $89 discount (Pro Model Only) applied against the price of the AccuForce Pro. Make sure to log-in to the SimXperience website using the same account you purchased SimVibe with and the discount will be automatically applied.

Pricing for AccuForce models are:

When required, you can purchase an optional angled mounting bracket for your Sim Racing chassis. Price: $44.99. You can also purchase the Momo Mod 30 wheel rim (100% compatible with the AccuForce) for $229.95

Official Webpage –