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PiBoSo Released GP-Bikes Beta 10c

PiBoSo Released GP-Bikes Beta 10c

PiBoSo has released Beta 10c of his of his GP-Bikes Simulator. his new release is mainly a maintenance update fixing some issues with the previous version.

The included video by shows us the GP-Bikes Yamaha M1 in action at the Scottish Knockhill circuit.

GP Bikes is a realistic motorcycle simulator, based on a scratch built physics engine that accurately simulates motorcycle dynamics and setup options. GP Bikes also allows to host and join online races, with an integrated matchmaking server. During events, data is collected, to provide statistics for riders’ comparison.

If you want to try out the GP-Bikes simulator, you can download BETA 10 by clicking the button below. The downloaded version works as a demo until unlocked entering an official license key.



GP-Bikes Beta 10 Changelog:  (2016/9/30)

  • fix: TrackIR rotations
  • fix: replay bug
  • fix: race manager bug
  • fix: reflections bug
  • fix: plugins rendering bug
  • fix: replay of the bike reset
  • fix: more smaller bugs
  • fix: bike reset bug
  • fix: reflections and shadows optimization
  • fix: VR tracking in the external view, too
  • fix: pitboard bugs
  • fix: pitboard optimization

Release Notes  –  Replays are not compatible with Beta10 and previous.

Official Webpage –