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Niels Heusinkveld – Physics Tools Aerodynamics Improvements & Reiza

Niels Heusinkveld - Physics Tools Aerodynamics Improvements & Reiza

Niels Heusinkveld – Physics Tools Aerodynamics Improvements & Reiza

Engineer Niels Heusinkveld of Heusinkveld Engineering is also part of the talented Reiza Studios development team. Niels is responsible for the physics and tire model used for the Automobilista Racing simulator.

In this 40 minute video, Niels is once more on a quest trying to confuse us with a bunch of spreadsheets. The master reveals his new and improved aero tools and explains the numbers it crunches. Furthermore, Niels gives us some insight into the Reiza Studios physics workflow.

Heusinkveld Engineering is a Dutch company that offers a broad array of products and services to the real and virtual racing scene. From advanced vehicle simulation software to simulator hardware. Sim Racers might also know Niels as the main physics creator at Reiza Studios.

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