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Automobilista – September 2017 Development Update

Automobilista - Brazilian Touring Car Classics DLC Previews

AMS Touring Car Classics DLC 8  AMS Touring Car Classics DLC 2

Automobilista – September 2017 Development Update

Reiza Studios Renato Simioni has published the Automobilista September 2017 Development Update.

In this latest dev update, Reiza Studios shares some more info about the upcoming Automobilista V1.4.8 release and reveal some of the upcoming new content for the racing simulator. Slowly but surely, Reiza Studios is working towards the final version of the Automobilista title. However, it is reported that due to some unforeseen issues, and the opportunity to add a few valuable improvements, the development of the simulator might take a little longer than scheduled.

The next scheduled update will bring the sim to v1.4.8 and will feature the Brazilian Touring Car Classics DLC.

For more details, check out the full development update quote below.

September 2017 Dev Update

New DLC – Brazilian Touring Car Classics

The next DLC will bring several “oldies” to AMS – the TC Classics are some of the cars that have made history in Brazilian touring cars through the decades.

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The DLC will include 4 models (Fusca, Gol, Passat, Uno), spread over 4 unique series:

Copa Classic – a modern mixed class series from southern Brazil running classic machines; DLC will feature Fusca, Passat, Gol and Uno with the specs these various cars run in the series.

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Copa Fusca – a modern series from southern Brazil for Fusca (Beetle) enthusiasts.

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Copa Uno – based on popular 1990s Brazilian Formula Uno series, with the street car, stripped down to the basics:

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Hot Cars (Brazilian TC series from the early 1980s, a derivative of the previous Divisão 3 from 70s), featuring seriously tuned up versions of these classic cars. DLC will feature Fusca, Passat, and Golf:

AMS 08

All series feature the 4 models in a wide variety of configurations presenting very distinct challenges.

Special thanks on this one to the good people involved with the Copa Classic championship who have been super friendly and very helpful with information. It´s very hard to find data for these cars, especially the older ones from the early 80s so having people who have lived through this history be so engaged is both and a very pleasant experience. The series is based in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul which has some of the strongest motorsports culture in the country – it has been a great experience to get to know it better.

There are some other interesting models that some are sure to miss not being included – unfortunately we had initially set out to do only 3 Hot Cars models and ended up going further with 4 models and a bunch of variations covering 4 different series, so we´d already stretched our schedule for it as much as we could. It´s not out of the question though that some new “old” models will be added further down the line.

V1.4.8 update

Further AI Developments

Alex Sawczuk took a break from track modeling this month to take a few stabs at the code, and he´s managed some valuable AI improvements in the process, including a revamped blue flag logic – AI cars now better evaluate approaching cars and move out of the way:

We have also increased rate AI assesses situations by 4x which should result in more appropriate behavior in several racing situations – this makes it much less likely the AI will get confused and veer off the track, or not “see” a car coming up alongside.

DynHUD issues

We´re hoping we have a fix for the recent DynHUD issues that came up for Windows 10 users following a recent system update included in v1.4.8. In any case we´ll be also looking to improve some remaining niggles with DynHUD and also beef up the native HUD a bit more as an alternative.

The run down to 1.5.0

Following v1.4.8 we´ll be on the final stretch to the definitive version of AMS – at the moment we´re still undecided on whether there will be a public v1.4.9 or if we´ll go straight to v1.5.0 – depends on the rate of progress we manage next month.

Here are some of the goodies still to come:

Metalmoro AJR

Metalmoro AJR_WIP

As announced a couple of months back, the hot new prototype from Metalmoro is coming up next for AMS. The model is shaping up quite nicely

Turbo model

Niels Heusinkveld and Luis Miguel have been working on finalizing the turbo model and it will be included in time for v1.5.0, including updated physics for all turbo cars in the sim to use the new model.

Spielberg 2017


Ilka has been working on an update to the modern Spielberg track, to include the latest reforms since the track was originally modeled. Although the track hasn´t had its layout altered, there are several curb and run-off changes, a new grandstand in the home straight along with other cosmetic modifications.

There is more still to come of course – look forward to sharing some final surprises with you all

That´s all for this month – hope you all enjoy the coming update!

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