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Fanatec Teases New Mystery Wheel

Fanatec 2017 Mystery Wheel

Fanatec Teases New Mystery Wheel

Today the popular German Sim Racing Gear developer Fanatec announced they will add a new steering wheel to the Fanatec rim lineup. As usual, they have unveiled the new upcoming wheel by means of a teaser image.

While there is little or no additional info available about the actual product, it has been confirmed that the mystery wheel is scheduled to become available early next year. Interested customers will be able to pre-order the wheel during the upcoming Black Friday weekend.

For now, we have seen a lot of community members speculate about the Fanatec mystery wheel. Is it a new formula rim? a McLaren GT3 rim? two wheels because the image seems to show us two different quick release versions. Your guess is as good as ours. The only thing we can be sure of is that the image clearly shows the Fanatec CSL tag.

Feel free to leave your own opinion in the comment section.

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