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The Insider’s Guide to Project CARS 2 – Ep9 – Virtual Reality

The Insider's Guide to Project CARS 2 - Ep9 - Virtual Reality

The Insider’s Guide to Project CARS 2 – Ep9 – Virtual Reality

Slightly Mad Studios Junior designer, Matt York aka YouTuber Yorkie65 presents episode 9 of his ‘Insider’s Guide to Project CARS 2’ videos series.

Together with Flightsimming, Sim Racing was one of the first game genres to embrace the new Virtual Reality hardware. As you would normally sit down in a car, VR does lend itself perfectly to driving a virtual vehicle.

While the first-generation consumer VR headsets do have their downsides, such as the lower resolutions and the sometimes fiddly way of setting up,  they do make up for it by generating a large immersive factor. There is no substitute for actually sitting in the car and experience the same view as a real-world driver would. Now that the VR hardware is coming down in price, and the majority of PC racing simulators are starting to adapt to support VR, it’s clear that the technology will claim its place in the Sim Racing world.

Project CARS 2 by Slightly Mad Studios is one of the racing titles that embraced VR support from day one. In Episode nine of the Insider’s Guide to Project CARS 2 series, Yorkie65 provides us with useful hints and tips regarding the setup and usage of the Virtual Reality features in Pcars 2.

For those who missed the previous episodes of the Insider’s Guide to Project CARS 2:

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