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Petersels Racing Simulations Visited RaceRoom Developer Sector3 Studios

Petersels Racing Simulations Visited RaceRoom Developer Sector3 Studios

Petersels Racing Simulations Visited RaceRoom Developer Sector3 Studios

Recently, Andy of Petersels Racing Simulations visited the Sector3 Studios headquarters in Lidköping Sweden and interviewed RaceRoom Producer J-F Chardon and RR marketing staff member Georg Ortner.

Back in 2014, the famous and much loved Swedish developer Simbin Studios closed its doors. This was a sad day for the Sim Racing community. Fans of the Free2Race RaceRoom Racing Experience title where left in the dark about the future of their favorite sim. A few days later, former Simbin Licencing manager Jay Ekkel announced that the studio would continue developing RaceRoom under a new studio name and at a new location. Sector3 Studios was born and the future of the RaceRoom Racing simulator was secured.

4 years have passed, and with a lot of hard work, Sector3 Studios has turned the humble RaceRoom Racing Experience title into one of the most exciting racing titles out there. The current version of RaceRoom features no less than 120 cars and 40 highly detailed tracks.

Register at and download the free2play RaceRoom Racing Experience title.

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