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GamerMuscle & Empty Box Talk iRacing Tire Model V7

GamerMuscle & Empty Box Talk iRacing Tire Model V7

GamerMuscle & Empty Box Talk iRacing Tire Model V7

Last Tuesday released its 2019 Season 2 Build Update. While the update contained some interesting new content and a very big list of fixes and improvements, it also introduced the 7th iteration of the iRacing tire model.

The tire model can be considered one of the most important parts in sim racing physics, as its represents the contact between the road and the car, and should therefore affect all other aspects of the car’s behavior. In iRacing the new Tire Model 7 is currently exclusively enabled on the Skip Barber Formula 2000, but we gradually be deployed on the other cars in the sim.

While we will not discuss which tire model is the best, as this could easily start another world war, we do wonder if these new tire physics are better or worse than the previous six.

Empty Box and Gamer Muscle both have a fist look at the behavior of the new virtual rubber in iRacing and share their initial impressions.

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