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Kevin Shepherd Is Back – Sim Racer to Real World Racer

Kevin Shepherd Is Back – Sim Racer to Real World Racer

Weird times indeed.

Admittedly, the current pandemic situation has promoted sim racing, more than ever. Thousands of gamers, motorsport fans, girlfriends and mothers have converted themselves to avid sim racers, iRacing subscriptions went through the roof, the sim racing hardware market is booming, Famous NASCAR drivers lost their jobs during a sim racing event for rage quitting and name calling reasons, Formula 1 showed us that they don’t represent the pinnacle of simulated motorsports, Sim Aliens, had to give up fame and grid positions to real world drivers, and sim racing YouTubers are coaching the real world champions, giving them tips on how to drive a car.

Yet, after watching hundreds of “Hey look at me drive”, “Hey look at me pass someone”, “Hey look at me crash” and “hey click on my clickbait link videos” , it became apparent that the last few days, real and interesting sim racing news was hard to find.

Luckily enough, I also came across some pretty entertaining sim related videos that lifted my spirits. For instance, the Kevin Shepherd “Old Dog, New Tricks” show continued, and showed us once more, that things can get quite serious while not intending to make it so.

Back in 2017, British comedian, writer, director, videographer and huge fan of motorsport Kevin Shepherd decided to try and make a transition from the sim racing scene to the real world of motorsports. In his “Old Dog, New Tricks” video series, Kevin documented his quest for a racing simulator that would suit his needs, and entertained us with his first steps towards a real racing drive.
In Season 1, Kevin tried to find out if he had what it took to become a racing driver. Its safe to say that things didn’t go as planned.

Now Kevin is back and continues his quest to become a real racing driver. In this episode he takes some serious steps towards transferring from sim racer to real-world racer. Keep in mind that we mean comedian serious.

While becoming a racing driver is peanuts for most popular Youtube streamers, it is needless to say, it somewhat more challenging for a comedian to achieve a high level of racing fame and acceptance.

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