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Niels Heusinkveld – More Spreadsheets – Combined Slip and Grip Explained

Niels Heusinkveld - More Spreadsheets - Combined Slip and Grip Explained

Niels Heusinkveld – More Spreadsheets – Combined Slip and Grip Explained

Spreadsheet time ones more.

Niels Heusinkveld is on a roll. In this episode he takes a deeper dive into tire slip, mainly looking at combined slip where you brake AND turn, or turn AND accelerate.

Tire slip curves you may have seen don’t apply in these situations. We ignore many many many things such as tire load, camber, temperature, pressure, but still discuss the main phenomenon of what happens when the tire slips in such a way that it provides a mix of cornering and acceleration or braking forces.

Heusinkveld Engineering is a Dutch company that offers a broad array of products and services to the real and virtual racing scene. From advanced vehicle simulation software to simulator hardware. Sim Racers might also know Niels Heusinkveld as the main physics creator for the Automobilista racing simulator by Reiza Studios.

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