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Niels Heusinkveld – A refreshing look at A Race Car Setup

Niels Heusinkveld - A refreshing look at A Race Car Setup

Niels Heusinkveld – A refreshing look at A Race Car Setup

HE-man, also known as Niels Heusinkveld presents another interesting Talk & Confuse video.

In his latest video, Niels talks about some of the main car setup parameters and explains how he looks at them. And there is some good news for non-engineers who lost the plot in some of the previous episodes… No spreadsheets in this one.

Heusinkveld Engineering is a Dutch company that offers a broad array of products and services to the real and virtual racing scene. From advanced vehicle simulation software to simulator hardware. Sim Racers might also know Niels Heusinkveld as the main physics creator for the Automobilista racing simulator by Reiza Studios.

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