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I Wish You All A Happy New Year – Thank You All For The Support

I wish you all a Happy 2021. Make it a good one!

Hi everyone

It’s time for the last post of 2020. The perfect opportunity to send all of you a sincere “thank you” for supporting Bsimracing over the past year.

While the real world was in turmoil, the sim racing world has massively grown, and so did the Bsimracing audience. It has been an absolute pleasure bringing you daily Sim Racing news. Needless to say, I am looking forward to doing so in the New Year.

Once more, a big “thank you” to all my readers, all fellow sim racing websites, all the content creators, and all my loyal industry partners for making this a great sim racing year. Let’s make 2021 as good, or better.

I wish all of you and your families a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year.

