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Thrustmaster – The latest Direct Drive Wheel Teaser

Thrustmaster – The latest Direct Drive Wheel Teaser
Thrustmaster – Direct Drive Wheel Teaser

In August of 2021, Thrustmaster published a 2021 product roadmap, listing a number of new products that were in the pipeline. Interestingly, the roadmap also listed a Direct Drive wheel for the PC, therefore, officially confirming that Thrustmaster would make the jump to Direct Drive technology.

By the end of December, Thrustmaster posted its first teaser message revealing that the Direct Drive Wheelbase will be compatible with all the existing Thrustmaster wheel addons. By the end of January 2022, Thrustmaster posted a new teaser message confirming that their upcoming Direct Drive wheel will be featuring a new Quick Release system with a lock function.

That brings us to the latest teaser screen and short animation. Thrustmaster is hinting at the use of RGB lighting, and by judging the included animation, this feature might as well have an interactive or telemetry-powered function. Your guess is as good as mine.

That said, we will know soon enough, as Thrustmaster confirmed that the next teaser will reveal the full product. I will keep you posted when published. At the time of writing, no pre-order, or release date has been shared. Nevertheless, it’s clear that the product will become available somewhere in 2022.

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