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Hybrid Racing Simulations Stream Deck Button Box

Hybrid Racing Simulations Stream Deck Button Box
Hybrid Racing Simulations Stream Deck Button Box

Hybrid Racing Simulations from Queensland, Australia are a passionate team of Sim racers, designing and bringing high-end Sim Racing products to the Australian and world market.

About 18 months ago HRS started a small project developing a button box with an integrated 15-button Elgato Stream Deck. The Elgato Stream Deck is an incredibly popular tool made for streamers to let them automate basic tasks. It did not take long before the sim racing scene started to adapt the product for use as a highly configurable and visual button box.

Due to last years Australian flood situation, this great looking high-end box / Stream Deck mount system was never released as an official public product.

HRS decided to sell the existing stock of prototypes as a DIY kit. For those interested, sadly enough, the available units sold out very quickly.

However, there is also some good news. HRS has confirmed that they are now working on an MK2 version and an XL version with some extras. I will keep you posted when more info becomes available.

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