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rFactor 2 – October 2023 Release Candidate (Online) Deployed

rFactor 2 - October 2023 Release Candidate (Online) Deployed
rF2 RaceControl

Studio 397 has deployed the latest Release Candidate for rFactor 2 introducing fixes and improvements for the all-new online experience Open Beta program that features daily races, special events, and more.

Check out the Release notes below.


Event Page

  • The Race Flyout and Event pages will receive notifications again once your split is ready and when other users register/unregister for the event
  • You shouldn’t have to leave and reenter the event page anymore to get your split information, the page will update once your splits server is up and running
  • Special Event Pages will show you the event start time when it is more than 1 day away

Practice Servers

  • Your practice server information is loaded when you click on Join Practice instead of as soon as the page/flyout is loaded.
  • If you waited before clicking Join Practice then the server might have been full by the time you clicked on join
  • Backend bugs fixes so you will not be returned a full practice servers details or servers that have not fully booted yet


  • Your email is now obscured, so if you are streaming your email will not be displayed
  • The top bar will periodically check for updates to your profile and update itself
  • Backend update incoming (hopefully today) to resolve the issue with updating your email address

Post Race

  • The SR and DR should show correctly on the post-race screens
  • Split Number added to the Post Race screen


  • Added paging, so you can see more than just the top 100 fastest times

Tier Unlocked Notification

  • This should be displaying again once you get to Silver/Gold SR and you unlock new tiers in Daily Races

Race History

  • Fixed a loading issues where some drivers did not have a DR/SR registered in the post-race results

Current Known Issues

  • Having your Windows timezone set to manual instead of “auto” can result in the times for events being incorrect and not being able to join events.
  • We are sometimes still hitting our AWS account limits this is resulting in fewer servers being provisioned than we need and causing the whole event to fail. We have a support ticket and are waiting.
  • Joining, then leaving, and then rejoining again practice server again may give you mod problems – you will need to remove mods and try again
  • Practice servers are becoming too full too quickly and may give a timeout error
    • Please be patient and try again in a few minutes or practice offline 
  • Bottom split has the minimum drivers to make the race official (currently 5 rather than equal-size splits)
  • The schedule page does have incorrect times for some users
  • Leaderboard has a bug that does not consider the specific track layout or car when it has the same name as a previous event
  • Password on hosted server is not working
  • Not all temporary mod files being deleted on boot – you may need to remove these manually
  • Qualifying results are in the order of race finish
  • Profile/Email update is not saving – fix coming soon
  • Some circuits, such as Nürburgring may have the server start a few minutes later than expected – you may need to wait up to 4 minutes after a server is due to be started
  • Some servers under extreme load, for example, most often at the start of sessions, can experience cars disappearing and the race taking a long time to load in rare cases

Official Webpage – – The rFactor 2 Racing Simulator is available via Steam for €29,99.

rFactor 2  BMW M2 CS