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Automation – Little Dev Update: Car Performance Calculations.


Killrob is taking a look at the upcoming feature of getting your engines into a car, some gearing and performance calculations.

Automation is a car company tycoon game in which you design and build cars from scratch.
It is you who designs everything from the very core that is the engine, over the chassis, to the suspension and the car’s looks.

Several games have tried this before… but were able to merely scratch the surface.
Go ahead, build your dream-car company, or simply aim to dominate the world markets with your superior design skills!

The game is still in development, with the Engine Designer already available for you to try out. The Car Designer will be completed next, followed by the tycoon part of the game. We release new milestone versions of the game as they are done, adding new features and content as the game moves closer to completion. Automation is aimed to be released in late 2014, with a Steam Early Access version available before.


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