It has been a buzzy month for Reiza Studios. During november, the small development team managed to deploy a good number of updates, hotfixes, and new content for their Automobilista 2 racing simulator.
To attract new players, Reiza Studios now published a nice promo trailer showcasing the latest new cars and tracks added to AMS2. And rest assured that there is still much more to come as the sim continues to evolve.
Those who have yet to try out this amazing racing simulator for the PC, should head over to Steam, as the 2020 black Friday Sale in still valid, and gives you the chance to pick up a copy of Automobilista 2 at a 50% discount.
Automobilista 2 is currently available via Steam for €18,49. €36,99. The Automobilista 2 + 2020-2021 Season Pass Bundle is available for €81,43. €126,98
Official Webpage – www.game-automobilista2.com