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With the growing success of the website and the ever-growing traffic and security needs that come with it the Bsimracing monthly costs increase. Because Bsimracing.com is a passion driven Sim Racing community website and is not targeted as a commercial project, I have to rely on fan donations, and advertising to keep this site alive.
Besides donations and Adsense, Bsimracing does not generate any revenue. Collected donations are utilized to cover the server costs, and are reinvested in the website performance and security tools.
Every donation, no matter how small, helps us build a better and safer website experience, and will secure the future of this niche website. If you are interested in becoming an advertising partner, or when you feel Bsimracing.com could be beneficial to your product, event, or brand, feel free to contact us here, or send us a donation by using the Donate button below.
So if you feel we are worthy, hit the Donate button below. It will bring you to our official PayPal Donate Page.
Thank You for supporting Bsimracing.com. Your help is highly appreciated.