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Project CARS


SMS Quote: The weekend is around the corner and what better way to kick it off than to enjoy a large gallery of stunning Project CARS screenshots? Luckily, our very talented WMD community has you covered as some of our greatest screenshot makers have put together another great selection of shots for everyone to enjoy.

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Project CARS – 200 to 400 by Jonz66.

Again a collection of unused clips from some JonZ66 movies and cancelled short films. This is the ultimate attempt to turn the page on those older builds clips and focus on newer and better movies (hence the 200 to 400 reference of build numbers.

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Project CARS – Community Gallery 52.

SMS Quote: Our talented WMD community used the Easter holidays to create an awesome new selection of Project CARS screenshots. So just in case you didn’t find all the eggs you were hunting for last weekend, you can enjoy 114 great new screenshots in the brand new gallery

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