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Project CARS

Project CARS – Build 184. Azura Coast. [VIDEO]

At this time we are allready using Build 189, but for those interested Checho44 made a small video using the Azure Coast track in Build 184. Build 184 introduced the California Highway & Azure Coast, tpoint-to-point country tracks located in a stunningly beautiful setting. If you need a break from circuit racing, these tracks offer the perfect opportunity for a scenic drive.

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Slightly Mad Studios have released the newest weekly build of Project CARS, giving Junior members the chance to catch up with the developments of the past four weeks. The new build is packed to the brim with new content, including two new cars and no less than 12 new tracks that have been added since the last Junior release. Build 189 marks the first chance for Juniors to try the Palmer Jaguar JP-LM and the stunning 2011 Bac Mono. While one is a lightweight and nimble track day race car, the other is a road going sports car that brings racing technology to public roads.

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Slightly Mad Studios Quote: Our talented WMD-members have been as busy as ever, creating stunning shots with the latest builds of Project CARS.. As usual, the shots show purely in-game footage that has not been made in any special photo mode with no post-processing or filters that aren’t available during the actual gameplay – What you see below is what you experience while driving! Creative users can make usage of various tools though, including a free roam camera and a depth of field editor, making Project CARS the perfect choice to create stunning videos or screenshots like the ones below.

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Project CARS – The evolution of night lighting.

A month ago, Build 164 of Project CARS introduced an early version of the dynamic lighting system that allows racing at day & night and everything in between. In the meantime, our development team has been busy refining the system and today we show you new previews of the lighting system’s latest evolution. The new previews show off added spot lights that illuminate parts the nightly Connecticut Hill track, the spots all cast shadows and can be seen in effect in various conditions below.

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Project CARS – First XBOX 720 sneak screenshot previews. *** A1*** :-)

SMS Quote: Our development team has been very busy working on the console version of Project CARS recently and today, we`re proud to give you an exclusive little sneak preview. Below are several previews of the next-gen console version, showing Project CARS running on a brand new platform. Despite the early development stage that will still require some optimization (regarding aspects such as memory usage), the next-gen console version already looks almost as pretty as the PC version, running at smooth 60fps and featuring stunning looking details as you can check out yourself .

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Project CARS – Build 184 Video by Ricxss.

Ricxss just uploaded his latest Project CARS video. This is a good opportunity for all non members to get a good look at the newly released Bac Mono track day racer. Built by the Briggs Automotive Company, the BAC Mono is a lightweight, road legal sports vehicle, aiming to bring the sensation of single-seater driving to public roads. Keep in mind that all footage is pre-Alpha.

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